About Us

About Us

The X-tended Missions Network is a launching pad of mission efforts impacting individuals in our network churches, the United States, North America and around the globe! Over 40,000 people are connected network partners to the XMN and we continue to grow! We are committed to church planting, taking the Gospel to people who have never heard, expressing the love of Jesus in meaningful ways to different cultures, helping provide training opportunities that grow our membership's kingdom competency and ministering to those within the Network. Even if you are not a participating partner today, you may want to join us in a project locally, nationally or globally.

The X-tended Missions Network is located in Hernando, MS.  We are a collection of over 60 Baptist Churches located in Desoto and Tate Counties in Mississippi. As Baptists, it is our desire to work together as an Association of churches in ministry partnerships, training events, local, national and international missions. Each church that is associated with the XMN is a local, autonomous congregation and governed by their members.  The XMN exists to help each local congregation to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ.

Our Purpose

Our Purpose


At the XMN we seek to minister to all people, Christians and non-Christians. As an SBC Association we also want to specifically minister to those serving in the local church. Our Network staff, directed by the AMD, wants to provide confidential encouragement, training, arbitration, and Biblical guidance to any church’s membership, staff or senior pastor however we can.



The XMN is committed to help mature churches in their attempts to develop dynamic discipleship and mentoring relationships within their bodies. We believe that the smaller the group the greater the impact. Jesus casually communicated to the masses, sifted the crowds with hard sayings, sent out 120 committed, 70 house to house in search of the man of peace, mentored 12 for 3 years, pulled 3 very close and had 1 who knew Him best. The XMN is committed to following this New Testament example of highly accountable discipleship as Paul taught Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:2.



We take the Great commission of Jesus very seriously. It is our PURPOSE to identify those nations, people groups or subcultures who need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. We will work with our local churches to provide missions opportunities within numerous sites and encourage our members to become involved in missions locally, regionally and globally. We will strive to reach the nations for His glory and their joy. We will also emphasize the need for career missionaries and will offer vision trips and short term trips for those considering the call of God to a region as a vocation.



Church history has demonstrated that church planting is the most effective evangelism tool on the planet. The vast majority of Southern Baptist Churches across our land are either plateaued or declining, and yet our denomination was built on the pioneer spirit of church planting. We desire to help existing churches thrive, but we are equally committed to seeing new work begin, locally, regionally nationally and globally. We are situated in one of the fastest growing sections of North America and it would be unconscionable to de-emphasize church planting. Our churches have committed themselves to planting churches and God continues to bless that commitment!